This actress was considered a 70s babe. This is what she looks like before her 80th birthday

Jacqueline Bisset was born on September 13, 1944, in Weybridge, Surrey, England. Raised in a cultured and artistic household, Jacqueline developed an early interest in the arts.

She attended Lycée Français Charles de Gaulle in London, which helped her become fluent in French, a skill that would later benefit her international acting career.

Breakthrough in Film
Jacqueline Bisset’s journey to stardom began in the 1960s when she started working as a model to support her acting classes. Her film debut came in 1965 with a small role in “The Knack …and How to Get It.”

However, it was her performance in “The Detective” (1968), opposite Frank Sinatra, that caught the attention of Hollywood. Her role in “Bullitt” (1968), alongside Steve McQueen, solidified her status as a rising star.
International Fame
The 1970s marked a period of international acclaim for Jacqueline Bisset. She starred in the blockbuster “Airport” (1970) and earned critical praise for her role in François Truffaut’s “Day for Night” (1973), which won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. Her appearance in “The Deep” (1977) further cemented her status as a global icon, thanks in part to the film’s famous underwater scenes.

Versatility and Acclaim
Jacqueline’s career is characterized by her versatility and willingness to take on challenging roles. In the 1980s and 1990s, she continued to work in both American and European cinema, showcasing her range in films like “Class” (1983), “Under the Volcano” (1984), and “La Cérémonie” (1995). Her performance in the latter earned her a César Award nomination for Best Supporting Actress.

Personal Life

Jacqueline Bisset has maintained a relatively private personal life. She has never married but has had several high-profile relationships. Known for her elegance and poise, Jacqueline has also been involved in various humanitarian efforts, including work with the American Cancer Society and other charitable organizations.


Jacqueline Bisset’s enduring career and contributions to cinema have earned her a place among the greats of the film industry. In 2010, she was awarded the Légion d’honneur, France’s highest honor, in recognition of her contributions to the arts. Jacqueline continues to act, taking on roles that reflect her depth and experience, and remains an inspiration to actors and fans worldwide.

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