WATCH: AOC Rages As Fellow “Squad” Member Loses Race

for her far-left side to “coalition build,” telling the reporters, “And by the way, it makes it much harder for us to coalition build and to create the winning coalitions that not just can ensure that we have representation at the congressional level,”

She next said,  “But they are spending this money into our party for a reason, because we need that coalition to win back House majorities. We need that energy and coalition of a progressive base in order to make sure that we win statewide and federally, and Republicans are pouring money to finance these for a reason because people and representatives like Jamaal Bowman can move and reach communities that many other areas of the Democratic Party cannot.”

She added, “And so if Republicans can finance taking people like that off the board, they can also make it easier for themselves in November. And so I think for all of us as a party, regardless of your stances, it’s very important that we have a conversation about why Republicans are playing such a large role in financing division and among Democrats.”

Watch her here:

Featured image credit: screengrab from the embedded video

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