“Even Dogs Can’t Stand Biden”: Hilarious Video Shows Dog Losing It When Biden Comes On TV

In a very funny video that made its way to X (formerly Twitter) on the afternoon of Monday, July 10, a man and his dog sat on the couch watching television together. When the man switched between a Trump speech and a Biden video, the predictable result was quite funny and left the commenters joking about even dogs knowing how terrible Biden is.

First, they watched part of a Trump speech from his recent rally in the scorching heat of Nevada, to which the dog responded by just sitting quietly on the couch with its head calmly flopped on the man’s leg, looking toward the television with no noticeable interest or apparent concept of there being something wrong at which it should bark.

Trump, in the short portion of the rally that played, was talking about the people of the state rising up and voting for him in November, helping propel him to victory. He said, “With your help, we’re going to win Nevada.” In the speech, he added, “We’re going to defeat your Biden-loving, radical left Sen. Jacky Rosen, who’s terrible, by the way. She’s a terrible senator.”

He also spoke about taking down the Biden family and regime, saying, “We’re going to knock off the Biden crime family — as they’re a Biden family of crime, including the fact that they’ve weaponized the Department of Justice like has never happened in this country. We’re going to end the weak and failed regime of crooked Joe Biden, the worst president in the history of our country, and we’re going to make America great again.”

In any case, the man with the remote cut off that speech and navigated to a video of Joe Biden opening the door to the Oval Office from behind it and speaking. The dog went absolutely berserk as soon as he came on screen, letting loose with its rapid and high-pitch bark as the man joked, “I think there’s something wrong with my dog.”

Watch the hilarious video, posted to X with the caption, “Even dogs can’t stand Biden! 🤣🤣🤣,”

Predictably, the comments section came alive with the opportunity to trash President Biden. Numerous commenters, for example, noted that dogs can sense when a “bad” person is around, saying things like “dogs know. If my dog doesn’t like someone.. I know there is something wrong with them” and “Dogs really do sense evil.”

Similarly, another commenter said, “Especially his own poor dogs. Aggression in animals is a sign of mistreatment. 🤬 And generally true. Animals know. If any of my two cats (or any other past cats) hate someone, I’m suspicious. They are always right.” For reference, Biden’s dogs seem to be poorly trained rather than mistreated.

In the speech in Nevada played at the beginning of the video, Trump also pledged to stop taxation of tips, saying, “This is the first time I’ve said this, and for those who work at hotels and people that get tips, you’re gonna be very happy because when I get to office we are going to not charge taxes on tips, on people making tips.”

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